When Greenville residents go to the doctor or to the hospital they expect quality care. For the most part, that is what they get. But studies have shown that nationwide, doctor errors and other forms of medical malpractice continue to occur and in some areas, the occurrences are alarming. An example comes from a study conducted in Indiana.
In 2006 the Indiana State Department of Health started gathering data on medical and doctor error reports from hospitals, outpatient surgical centers, abortion clinics and birthing centers. The reason this was started was because their governor issued an executive order requiring the study to help stem medical error problems that were going on within the state’s health care system.
In the latest 2010 report it was shown that medical errors have actually increased since the beginning of the reporting program. The report from the Department of Health showed an increase from 94 to 107 from 2009 to 2010. For the time period between 2007 and 2008, the number was 105.
At the top of the list of doctor errors were issues associated with pressure ulcers. In 2010 there were 34 cases of pressure ulcer issues reported. Next were issues associated with leaving objects inside patients during surgery. There were 14 cases of surgery being performed on the wrong body part. These are just a few of the medical errors that took place within recent reporting periods.
This information is not presented to frighten Greenville residents. It is provided to help residents understand that doctor error and hospital negligence truly does happen. Indiana is just one state where these issues are present. The truth is doctor errors can occur anywhere.
Source: Clinical Advisor, “Indiana medical errors hit five-year high,” Ann W. Latner, JD, Dec. 20, 2011