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Post-surgery negligence leads to permanent injuries

On Behalf of | Jan 11, 2022 | Medical Malpractice |

Individuals in North Carolina and elsewhere who are preparing to undergo a surgical procedure might have questions about what to expect during the recovery period. The type of care that is necessary during recovery may depend on the variables involved and post-surgical care could play an integral role in safeguarding a patient’s well-being. A family in another state has recently reached a settlement agreement in a medical malpractice lawsuit after negligence during post-surgery recovery care left a loved one with permanent injuries. 

Permanent injuries 

According to reports, the lawsuit stems from an incident in which a woman was scheduled to undergo an unspecified outpatient procedure. The lawsuit stated that once the procedure was complete and she was sent to recovery, staff members failed to take the necessary steps to wake her up and monitor her condition. The parties involved were also accused of failing to monitor her breathing and the lawsuit states that she went without sufficient oxygen flow for several minutes. 

According to the lawsuit, negligence during post-surgical care caused the woman to slip into a coma. Her family members state that she suffered permanent injuries in the process and remains in this state four years after the operation took place. While reports indicate that the parties involved have reached a settlement agreement, no further details were provided regarding the terms of this agreement. 

Well-being of a loved one 

When the negligent actions of a medical professional cause a loved one to suffer permanent harm, family members may be left with in search of answers, or even justice. Following such an experience, a person in North Carolina could consider speaking with an attorney for guidance on the next steps to take to seek restitution. An attorney can evaluate the situation a client is facing and assist him or her in preparing to pursue the full amount of compensation entitled through a medical malpractice claim.