Knowledgeable and Experienced Guidance

Fighting For Mothers And Babies With Birth Injuries

Most children are born healthy and happy. However, childbirth, by its very nature, carries a degree of risk. If the baby is not getting enough oxygen or labor goes on too long, the OB-GYN or other health care professional must take measures to ensure a healthy delivery. When they fail to prevent birth complications, the baby can be permanently injured.

If this has happened to your baby, our North Carolina birth injury attorney can help you get proper compensation. Contact The Melvin Law Firm in Greenville today to talk to a medical malpractice lawyer about your claim by calling 252-321-0088.

Two Common Types Of Birth Injuries

Shoulder dystocia and cerebral palsy are two of the most common types of birth injuries and delivery room errors:

  • Shoulder dystocia occurs when a baby’s shoulder gets stuck behind the mother’s pelvic bone during the delivery. When that happens, there are certain maneuvers that the doctor must perform to get the baby out. If those maneuvers are correctly done, the child will not be injured. However, if the doctor pulls too hard on the baby’s head, this can cause the brachial plexus nerves to be torn, causing a condition called Erb’s palsy, in which the child loses most or all the use of his or her arm.
  • Cerebral palsy (CP) can be caused during birth by a lack of oxygen to the brain or cerebral hypoxia. While they are being born, fetuses are linked to heart-rate monitors. A significant fluctuation in a heartbeat indicates fetal distress. Usually, if a doctor notices fetal distress, he or she will perform a C-section. If he or she doesn’t, CP is sometimes the result. CP is a condition caused by damage to the motor control areas of the brain. People with CP have trouble with walking and talking and may also be subject to seizures.

Our law firm handles both of those types of claims, as well as a variety of other possible birth and pregnancy malpractice cases, including:

  • Damage to bones and the spinal cord
  • Paralysis
  • Internal bleeding, leading to brain damage
  • Forceps injury
  • Cesarean section (C-section) errors
  • Birth medication errors
  • Failure to treat infections in the infant or mother
  • Improperly induced labor

Schedule Your Free First Meeting

A lawsuit cannot restore your baby’s health, but the compensation you receive can help you with his or her care. If you have any questions or are thinking of bringing a lawsuit, please contact our office by calling 252-321-0088. You can also reach us by sending an email.