Representing The Victims Of Cerebral Hypoxia And Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a condition that affects motor control and body movement. It is a result of injury to one or more areas of the brain. This brain damage can occur during birth, pregnancy or infancy. Symptoms include seizures, muscle spasms and trouble with walking or speech. Sometimes, CP is caused by a doctor’s or nurse’s mistake during delivery.
If you believe that your baby’s cerebral palsy is the result of a delivery room error, contact The Melvin Law Firm to speak with a North Carolina medical malpractice attorney. Our skilled attorney can help you get the compensation you need to care for your baby. You can call us now at 252-321-0088 to schedule your free consultation.
Birthing Injuries That Cause Cerebral Palsy
Most CP cases that occur during birth happen because labor went on for too long. Whenever a patient is in labor, the delivery room staff is supposed to keep track of the fetal heart monitor and ensure that the fetus’s heartbeat stays constant. If the heart rate changes rapidly, it’s usually a sign of fetal distress, and the fetus needs to be delivered right away.
When the fetal heart rate fluctuates, the staff is supposed to perform a C-section. If labor is allowed to continue, the fetus will suffer from a lack of oxygen. Sometimes the umbilical cord can twist, or the baby is too big and gets squeezed too tightly. Oxygen deprivation can cause cerebral hypoxia, which results in cerebral palsy.
Often, babies with CP aren’t diagnosed until they are 1 or 2 years old. If your baby is diagnosed with CP, you may have known that something was wrong from the very first day. Your baby may need assistance for the rest of his or her life. A lawsuit won’t cure your baby’s CP, but an equitable settlement or award can get you what you need for your baby’s care.
Learn More About How Our Attorney Can Help
You can learn more about how we can help by scheduling your free first meeting. You can call us now at 252-321-0088. We are also available by email.